Avanti School Improvement Plan (2020-21)

Outcome 1: Be compassionate and kind.

  1. Be aware of and appreciate one’s similarities and differences with others.
  2. Listen well and cooperate with others.
  3. Demonstrate awareness of one’s own thoughts and emotions and how they impact behavior.
  4. Express emotions, thoughts and impulses in positive and beneficial ways.
  5. Resolve conflicts and repair relationships.



  1. A student climate survey will be developed and administered to all students in November 2020.  One of the prompts will be:  “Students at my school are compassionate and kind”  The range of answers will include: “Strongly Agree; Agree; Disagree; or Strongly Disagree.” (1.3; 1.4)
  2. A series of Social Justice Institute workshops will be offered to students throughout the school year to promote awareness and appreciation of differences.  Topics will include:  Black Lives Matter; Race and Racism; social class; Gender, sexual orientation, and identity; conflict resolution and communication.  The workshop will be designed to elicit perspective taking, self regulation skill building, mindfulness, and empathy.  Students will complete post workshop surveys upon completion of each workshop. (1.1; 1.2; 1.3; 1.4; 1.5)
  3. Courses will continue to be offered that include mindfulness, reflection, meditation, and self-awareness skill Building.  We will also offer a social justice primer course for all new students utilizing Ozlem Sensoy and Robin DiAngelo’s “Is Everyone Really Equal:  An introduction to Key Concepts in Social Justice Education.” (1.1; 1.2; 1.3; 1.4; 1.5)

The Avanti staff will track responses from the November surveys and use the data as a baseline.  Additional surveys will be administered which will allow us to track student growth.  The subsequent surveys will be administered in January 2021 and May 2021.  The Avanti staff will also track the responses from each Social Justice Institute workshop as a second data point.  The first SOJI workshop offered in October 2020 will serve as a baseline data point.  


Year 1 Goal

  1. There will be a 10% increase in the “Strongly Agree and Agree” student responses in the all school climate survey by the end of May 2021. (1.4)
  2. 80% of SOJI workshop participants will indicate in their post-workshop surveys that they have a clear understanding of the intended outcomes of the workshop they participated in. (1.1; 1.2; 1.3; 1.4; 1.5)

Year 3 Goal

  1. An additional 3% of students completing the climate survey will respond with “Strongly Agree or Agree” by the end of each subsequent school year. (1.4)
  2. By the end of the 2023 school year 99% of SOJI workshop participants will indicate they have a clear understanding of the intended outcomes of the workshops they participated in. (1.1; 1.2; 1.3; 1.4; 1.5)

Action Plan

Action Plan:

  • Staff will administer an all-school climate survey three times a year during the 2020-2021 school year. (1.1)
  • Staff will administer post SOJI workshop surveys after each social justice workshop. (1.1)
  • Staff will analyze the data from each survey, by demographic, to identify and address disproportionality. (1.1)
  • Staff will use advisory curriculum that will include conversations on “what does kindness and compassion look like?”(1.1)
  • Staff will use Character Strong curriculum in advisory to delve into perspective taking and empathy building skills and dispositions. (1.1 and 1.3)
  • Staff will include project-based cooperative and collaborative learning opportunities for students. (1.2)
  • Staff will continue to integrate Socratic Seminar opportunities for students. (1.2)
  • Staff will continue to integrate mindfulness skill building exercises into classes. (1.3)
  • Staff will continue to develop social emotional skills by integrating the Avanti habits of the mind and heart into both the advisory curriculum and classes. (1.3) 

The Avanti Habits include:

  • Habit of compassion
  • Collaboration over competition
  • Mindfulness and perspective taking
  • Communicating respectfully
  • Listening actively
  • Interrupting all forms of discrimination and bias
  • Work and interact with integrity
  • Finding the joy in whatever students are doing
  • Building resilience in self and in others
  • Making connections in coursework; but also between self, surroundings, and circumstances
  • Reflect on how one’s actions may impact others
  • Taking personal responsibility

These habits of the mind and heart will also be emphasized throughout the school community. (1.4)

  • Students will be celebrated in classes, all-school assemblies, and in the community newsletter to acknowledge their efforts to embody the habits of mind and heart. (1.3)
  • Staff will continue to implement restorative justice and conflict resolutions skills within classroom management practices. (1.5)
  • Students will be offered workshops on conflict resolution and communication skill building. (1.5)
  • Student leaders (ASB) will continue to recognize other students each month for their positive contributions to the school community. (1.3)

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Outcome 2: Have the academic and life skills to pursue their individual career, civic and educational goals.

  1. Read, write and speak effectively for a wide range of purposes, including the interpretation and analysis of both literary and informational texts.
  2. Know and apply mathematics to a level of fluency that ensures a broad range of post-secondary opportunities and career choices.
  3. Use analytic and scientific principles to draw sound conclusions.
  4. Analyze multiple causal factors that shape major events in history.
  5. Exit with a personalized post-secondary transition plan for work, career and/or college, and complete the first steps toward achieving post-secondary goals before graduation.
  6. Develop and use conceptual understanding, exploring knowledge across a range of disciplines, and engage with issues and ideas that have local and global significance.
  7. Problem solve using both creative and critical thinking skills.
  8. Demonstrate continuous growth across the disciplines to meet or exceed academic learning standards and work toward graduation.
  9. Apply reliable information and systematic decision making to personal financial decisions.



  1. ELA proficiency (SBAC) (2.1) (2.2) (2.3)
  2. Math proficiency (SBAC) (2.1) (2.2) (2.3)
  3. Science proficiency (WCAS) (2.1) (2.2) (2.3)
  4. Social Studies required curriculum (World Studies; US History; Civics) (2.4) (2.7)
  5. Post Secondary plans (HSBP) (Naviance) (2.5)(2.9) (2.8)
  6. Interdisciplinary coursework focusing on solving complex real world problems (Orientation and Cohort)(2.6) (2.7)
  7. Graduation Rate (2.8)

The Avanti staff will use data collected from the student's last assessment in ELA, Math, and Science proficiency exams and provide targeted support to each student in preparation for retakes.  If students have not taken the exam prior, then staff will use classroom based assessments throughout the fall 2020 and winter 2021 to devise targeted interventions in preparation for initial exams in each area tested.  The staff will also provide students with the district’s Naviance curriculum and track other graduation requirements during Advisory periods throughout the year as a means to address the High School and Beyond Plan graduation requirements on a weekly basis.      


Year 1 Goal

  1. ELA proficiency will increase by 5% from 82.9% to 87.9% (2.1) (2.2) (2.3)
  2. Math proficiency will increase by 5% from 42.9% to 47.9% (2.1) (2.2) (2.3)
  3. Science proficiency will increase 5% from 62% to 67% (2.1) (2.2) (2.3)
  4. Post secondary planning will result in an increase in students applying to post secondary institutions by 5% from 83% to 88% (2.5)

Year 3 Goal

  1. ELA proficiency (SBAC) will increase by 15% from 82.9% to 97.9% (2.1) (2.2) (2.3)
  2. Math proficiency (SBAC) will increase by 15% from 42.9% to 57.9% (2.1) (2.2) (2.3)
  3. Science proficiency (WCAS) will increase by 15% from 62% to 77% (2.1) (2.2) (2.3)
  4.  Post secondary planning will result in an increase of students applying to post-secondary institutions by 15% from 83% to 98% (2.1) (2.2) (2.3)

Action Plan

Action Plan:

  • Staff will continue to offer students guidance and support with a six-trait writing model of writing, across disciplines. All staff will be provided with an annual refresher training. (2.1)
  • Staff will continue to engage students in close reading and socratic seminar reading and discussions to promote analysis and interpretation skills. (2.1)
  • Staff will continue to promote demonstrations of mastery through exhibition which requires public speaking.  The school will continue to provide campus-wide exhibitions towards the end of each grading period. (2.1)
  • Staff will continue to promote innovative ways for students to demonstrate their mastery in reading/writing and public speaking via technologies such as podcasts, literary and arts publications, and through the performing arts.(2.1)
  • All students will be provided with a diagnostic exam (MAP) prior to placement in math classes. (2.2)
  • All students will be offered multiple options for third year math including Algebra 2, Financial Algebra, Calculus, and Statistics. (2.3) (2.3) (2.7) (2.9)
  • Staff will continue to offer an array of science courses that require the development of a thesis, research, supporting evidence, analysis, and reflection. (2.3) (2.7)
  • Staff will continue to develop a systemic approach to interdisciplinary learning in an effort to promote critical thinking skills and making connections. (2.3) (2.6) (2.8)
  • Staff will continue ways to develop a systemic approach to having students solve complex real world problems. (2.6)
  • Students in Social Studies classes will be required to complete classroom based assessments and research assignments. (2.1) (2.4)
  • Staff will continue to find innovative ways to include movement in classes.  Yoga and mindfulness will be offered in art and literature classes. (2.6) (2.8)
  • All students will engage in career and college preparation curriculum through the adopted state Naviance curriculum and will include student requirements to complete a resume, portfolio, and explore career and higher education options prior to graduation. (2.5)
  • Staff will continue to offer an alumni panel to promote post secondary pathways. (2.5)

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Outcome 3: Advocate for the social, physical and mental wellness of themselves and others and be hopeful about the future.

  1. Communicate effectively.
  2. Develop knowledge and skills to have healthy eating habits, have a healthy body image and access reliable health information and services.
  3. Be physically active and see athletics and exercise as health-enhancing behaviors.
  4. Understand and apply principles of sound mental and emotional health and learn to identify signs of emotional health concerns such as depression, anxiety and suicidal thinking in self and others.
  5. Understand how and when to seek supportive mental and emotional health resources for self and others.
  6. Cultivate healthy relationships that honor each person's personal preferences and boundaries.
  7. Identify and develop personal strengths and interests.
  8. Develop the skills and habits to assess the role of technology and social media in their lives and distinguish between healthy and harmful use.



  1. A student climate survey will be developed and administered to all students in November 2020.  One of the prompts will be:  “I have a staff person at school who I trust and I can go to for help if I’m feeling depressed, anxious, or suicidal” the range of answers will include: “Strongly Agree; Agree; Disagree; or Strongly Disagree.” (3.3) (3.4)
  2. Healthy Youth Survey (HYS) will be administered in the fall 2020. (3.1) (3.3)


The Avanti staff will track responses from the November surveys and use the data as a baseline.  Two additional surveys will be administered which will allow us to track student growth.  The subsequent surveys will be administered in January 2021 and May 2021.  Avanti staff will also track student responses to “checking in” questions from the attendance tracker in the portal.


Year 1 Goal

  1. There will be a 10% increase in the “Strongly Agree and Agree” student responses in the all school climate survey by the end of May 2021. (3.1; 3.3; 3.5)
  2. There will be a 10% decrease in students indicating “thumbs down” each week in the daily attendance portal as a result of weekly targeted interventions throughout the school year. (33.1; 3.3; 3.5)  

Year 3 Goal

  1. An additional 3% of students completing the climate survey will respond with “Strongly Agree or Agree” by the end of each subsequent school year.(3.1; 3.3; 3.5)
  2. 10% fewer students will indicate issues with their well being each year by the end of the 2023 school year as a result of weekly interventions. (3.1; 3.3; 3.5)

Action Plan

Action Plan:

  • Staff will meet at the end of each week and review the daily “check-in” data from the attendance tracking. (3.4)
  • Staff will discuss weekly “check-in” results and devise targeted interventions for each students indicating a need for support with a thumbs down in any area. (3.4)
  • Staff will collect student daily “check-in” data from the attendance portal throughout the 2020 school year and look for trends and patterns. (3.4)
  • Staff will continue to integrate mindfulness skill building exercises into classes. (3.1) (3.3)
  • Staff will include information on promoting healthy lifestyles within the health curriculum. (3.2)
  • Staff will continue to find innovative ways to include movement in classes. (3.2)
  • Staff will continue to offer Yoga and Mindfulness in both Art and Literature classes. (3.2)
  • Staff will continue to provide affinity group support to students such as Pizza Klatch; meeting the social-emotional 
  • needs of LGBTQI+ and their allies. (3.4)
  • Avanti Counselor will continue to hold small group discussion groups for students seeking peer support. (3.4)
  • Avanti Counselor will continue to provide students with self regulation skills and strategies. (3.3) (3.4)
  • Staff will continue to use the monthly review of student progress as an opportunity to identify all students in need of support. (3.4)

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Outcome 4: Have the skills, knowledge and courage to identify and confront personal, systemic and societal bias.

  1. Develop an appreciation of world cultures, which may include the understanding of the basic structure of another world language.
  2. Be well versed in local, national and world history and understand how prejudice, racism and xenophobia have contributed to conflict.
  3. Demonstrate the ability to recognize that biased attitudes expressed consistently over time gradually distort perceptions until stereotypes and myths about people different from oneself are accepted as reality.
  4. Empower themselves to interrupt discriminatory remarks and attitudes.
  5. Evaluate the significance and dependability of information used to support positions.
  6. Analyze the validity, reliability and credibility of information from a variety of primary and secondary sources while researching an issue or event.



  1. Social Studies Classroom Based Assessment (CBA) - Examining Cause of Conflict by analyzing validity, reliability, and credibility of sources by constructing argumentative essays in Orientation and Social Studies classes. (4.1) (4.2) (4.3) (4.4) (4.5) (4.6)
  2. Science Classroom Based Assessments (CBA) - Examining genetic engineering, race and ethnicity, and environmental studies by analyzing validity, reliability, and credibility of sources in Science classes. (4.1) (4.2) (4.3) (4.4) (4.5) (4.6)
  3. Social Justice Institute participation rates. (4.2) (4.3) (4.4) (4.5) (4.6)
  4. World Language Class participation rates. (4.1)

The staff will be engaging students thematically in the fall in an effort to assist students with making connections between disciplines.  The first quarter’s theme is “Fear.” The second quarter’s theme is “Good Trouble.”  The themes for the third and fourth quarter will be driven by student voice.  The staff will be measuring student mastery of concepts and skills from these grading periods by way of student exhibitions as demonstrations of mastery.  During exhibitions students will be expected to articulate their understanding to staff, peers, and community members.  We will be offering students many opportunities to immerse themselves in contect that reflect the grading term themes which are intentionally rooted in Social Justice standards.  It is our goal to engage 100% of Avanti students in curriculum and dialogue that addresses race and racism, power and privilege, critical analysis of socialization, and various forms of institutional inequity.


Year 1 Goal 

  1. In September 2020, the Avanti staff will participate in Racial Literacy training. (4.3)
  2. In September 2020, the Avanti staff made the commitment to participate in a the Zinn Project’s PLC: Teaching for Black Lives” throughout the 2020-2021 school year. (4.1) (4.3) (4.5)
  3. In the fall (2020) Avanti will host an all campus viewing and discussion of the Media Education Foundation film “Healing from Hate.” (4.3)

Year 3 Goal

  1. Continue to increase participation rates in World Language classes by 30% each year with the goal of reaching 60 students annually each year.  (4.1)
  2. Participation rates in Social justice Institute workshops will increase from 100 students per year to 150 students per year by the end of the 2022-2023 school year.

Action Plan

Action Plan:

  • Staff will continue to expand ways to include the “Since Time Immemorial” curriculum across disciplines. (4.1)
  • Staff will continue to implement a plan to expand World Language opportunities for students. (4.1) (4.2) (4.3)
  • Staff will continue to offer Social Justice Institute (SOJI) workshop discussions on race and racism, social class and Poverty, gender norms and identity, sexual orientation, ethnicity, ability, communication skill building including mediation and conflict resolution. (4.2) (4.3)
  • Staff will continue to investigate systemic inequities inherent within traditional grading practices using Joe Feldman’s “Grading for Equity:  What It Is? Why It Matters, and How It Can Transform Schools and Classrooms.” (4.3)
  • Staff will engage all new students in curriculum based on the principles of Olem Sensoy and Robin DiAngelo’s “Is 

  • Everyone Really Equal:  An introduction to Key Concepts in Social Justice Education.” (4.2) (4.3) (4.4) (4.5) (4.6)
  • Staff will continue to provide Social Studies Classroom Based Assessment (CBA) - Examining Cause of Conflict by analyzing validity, reliability, and credibility of sources by constructing argumentative essays in Orientation and Social Studies classes. (4.1) (4.2) (4.3) (4.4) (4.5) (4.6)
  • Staff will continue to provide Science Classroom Based Assessments (CBA) - Examining genetic engineering, race and ethnicity, and environmental studies by analyzing validity, reliability, and credibility of sources in Science classes. (4.1) (4.2) (4.3) (4.4) (4.5) (4.6)
  • Staff will continue to intentionally integrate Social Justice anchor standards from Teaching Tolerance across disciplines. (4.3) (4.4) (4.5) (4.6)

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Outcome 5: Discover their passions, be curious and love learning.

  1. Broaden their perspectives and seek out various opportunities to explore new ideas, particularly those areas that are unfamiliar or uncomfortable to find their interests.
  2. Experience failure, setbacks and disappointments as an expected and honored part of learning.
  3. Understand and demonstrate the value of service in their community and learning by doing.
  4. Pursue creative and artistic opportunities as a vocation and/or a form of lifelong enrichment.



  1. Staff will track the percentage of “incomplete” courses that occur at the end of each grading period. (5.2)      
  2. Staff will track Service Learning hours accomplished by each student throughout the school year. (5.3)
  3. Staff will provide credit to students for physical fitness opportunities experienced outside of school and track individual participation hours in conjunction with the student’s coach or fitness provider.(5.4)

Staff will collect data at the end of the first grading period (February 2, 2021) on specific students with “incomplete” courses, then devise an intervention plan developed between the teacher, advisor, student, and family during February conferences.


Year 1 Goal

  1. 100% of students will be provided opportunities to replace any summative assessments with from retakes, redo’s and subsequent scores until mastery is reached.  Students that do not meet mastery within a given time frame will be provided with an “incomplete.”  Students will be provided opportunities to return to Incomplete courses throughout the school year and into the summer. (5.2)
  2. 75% of students will complete all attempted coursework by the end of the 2020-2021 school year. (5.1)
  3. 80% of students attempting “incomplete” coursework from the previous school year during the summer will finish the work successfully. (5.2) 

Year 3 Goal

  1. By the end of the 2022-2023 school year 90% of students will complete all attempted coursework during the school year by the end of the summer session in 2023. (5.2)

Action Plan

Action Plan:​​​​​​​

  • Staff will continue to engage students with a focus on helping students use their minds well; high levels of personalization; student-centered learning with teacher as coach; mastery-based learning where depth is emphasized over breadth; a tone of decency and trust as a value; and with a commitment to non-discriminatory and inclusive policies, practices, and pedagogies. (5.1) (5.2) (5.3) 
  • Staff will continue to engage students in courageous conversations about race, racism, and the institutions that support both. (5.1)
  • Staff will continue to allow student choice and voice in their educational experiences in classes. (5.4)
  • Staff will continue to support a classroom culture of mastery learning where “F’s” and “0’s” are not grades, they are viewed as a starting point in the process of redo’s, retakes, and revisions resulting in the intentional promotion of a growth mindset, hope, and resiliency. (5.2) 
  • Staff will continue to offer requested programs such as “Future Farmers of America.” (5.4)
  • Staff will continue to provide leadership and team building opportunities for students such as:  ASB; CISPUS (if able); Haunted School; ED Camp; Enviorthon; Avanti Cafe’; Outdoor Adventure Club; Drama; WE Day; Madison-Avanti Giving Garden; Bee Club; and more. (5.3)
  • Staff will engage students in Service Learning activities on campus or via Zoom, in the local community, and with national non-profit organizations throughout the school year. (5.3)
  • Staff will continue to offer student opportunities to participate in community-based Arts projects such as painting murals over graffiti in downtown Olympia. (5.4)
  • Staff will continue to offer students opportunities to participate in the performing arts during each grading period through the 2020-2021 school year. (5.4)
  • Staff will continue to support students in pursuing non-traditional physical education opportunities in the local community and in Avanti classes when we return to in-person learning. (5.4)

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Outcome 6: Be critical thinkers who contribute to and collaborate with our local, global and natural world.

  1. Participate on teams and know the power of teamwork.
  2. Demonstrate the ability to engage in inclusive problem solving.
  3. Advocate for and contribute to local, regional or global improvement by utilizing natural resources in an efficient, sustainable way.
  4. Use digital tools to constructively learn from and connect with people and communities around the world.
  5. Gather, interpret and present information in culturally responsive ways.



  1. Staff will track participation rates of students enrolled in project-based interdisciplinary block classes designed to engage students in solving complex real-world problems. (6.1; 6.2; 6.3; 6.5)
  2. Staff will track participation rates of students engaged in campus-wide student exhibitions and community service projects. (6.1; 6.2; 6.3; 6.4; 6.5)
  3. Staff will track participation rates of students engaged in community based capstone projects as part of their high school and beyond plan. (6.3)

A baseline will be established from the participation rates upon completion of the first two grading periods (Quarter 1 and 2) which concludes February 2, 2021.  Student Growth will be determined by comparing baseline with participation rates between February 2, 2021 and June 18, 2021.


Year 1 Goal

  1. There will be a 50% increase in students participating in cohort (interdisciplinary) block classes between term #2 and term #4 in the 2020-2021 school year. (6.1)
  2. The percentage of students engaging in each campus-wide exhibition of student learning will increase from 50% to 60% by the end of the 2020-2021 school year.(6.2)
  3. 25% of students will be engaged in community based capstone projects as part of their high school and beyond plan. (6.3; 6.4; 6.5)

Year 3 Goal

  1. By the end of the 2022-2023 school year the percentage of students participating in in cohort (interdisciplinary) block classes will increase 100% from the baseline established during the 2020-2021 school year. (6.1)
  2. The percentage of students engaging in each campus-wide exhibition of student learning will be 80%. (6.2)
  3. The percentage of students engaged in community-based capstone projects as part of their high school and beyond plan will be 50% by the end of the 2022-2023 school year. (6.3; 6.4; 6.5)

Action Plan

Action Plan:

  • Staff will devise a plan to implement a pilot project that includes project-based interdisciplinary cohorts.  The cohorts will be comprised of teachers from three disciplines and will be team taught, modeling the power of teamwork, and students will be engaged using interdisciplinary modules that by design intentionally require students to solve complex real world problems. (6.1) (6.2) (6.5)
  • Staff will continue to engage students with an emphasis on collaboration over competition as a school community value and 21st century skill. (6.1)  
  • Staff will continue to engage students in the Avanti habits of heart and mind, including the habit of critical thinking in all classes. (6.1) (6.2)
  • Staff will continue to engage students in research, analysis, and effective communication skill building through socratic seminars. (6.1) (6.2) (6.3) (6.5)
  • Staff will continue to intentionally engage students with local non-profit organizations such as: Arbutus Folk School; Dispute Resolution Center of Thurston County; Pizza Klatch; City of Olympia; Teen Council; Washington State’s Department of Natural Resources; Washington Center for the Performing Arts Youth Ambassadors; Thurston County Food Bank; and more. (6.1) (6.2) (6.3) (6.5)        
  • Staff will continue to investigate and develop internship opportunities for students in Thurston county. (6.3)
  • Staff will continue to develop and expand programs that promotes environmental sustainability and Food Justice, including: Natural Resources; Environmental Science; Plant Biology; Sustainable Agriculture; and Radish. (6.3)
  • Staff will continue to provide students with opportunities to promote food security through participating in community partnerships with Madison-Avanti Giving Garden; Kiwanis Food Bank gardens; Thurston County Food Bank; and the Adopt-a-garden project on the state Capitol campus.  (6.1) (6.3)        
  • Staff will continue to provide students will hands-on activities that engage them in their natural environment with community partners such as South Sound Green; testing water quality and local streams and rivers. (6.1) (6.3)
  • Staff will continue to engage students in community partnerships such as Teen Glean Team. (6.1) (6.3) (6.5)
  • Staff will continue to engage students in partnerships with local Native American tribal elders and experts from the Squaxin and Nisqually tribes. (6.1) (6.2) (6.3) (6.4) (6.5)
  • Staff will engage students in local education conferences such as The Evergreen State College’s annual GREEN conference and High School Math Meet.  (6.1) (6.3) (6.4)
  • Staff will continue to engage students in using the ArcGIS online map-making program with a local and global perspective. (6.2) (6.3) (6.4)

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