Centennial School Improvement Plan (2022-23)

Outcome 1: Be compassionate and kind.

  1. Be aware of and appreciate one’s similarities and differences with others.
  2. Listen well and cooperate with others.
  3. Demonstrate awareness of one’s own thoughts and emotions and how they impact behavior.
  4. Express emotions, thoughts and impulses in positive and beneficial ways.
  5. Resolve conflicts and repair relationships.


Leadership Team created abbreviated student survey (fall 2022 and spring 2023)
  • `Questions #3 and #10 which are related to kindness and compassion
Panorama student survey (fall 2022 and spring 2023)
  • Questions related to supportive relationships and positive feelings


By June of 2023, 100% of students will demonstrate an  awareness of others' cultures, traditions and personal stories.  Students will demonstrate the ability to show kindness, compassion and an appreciation of differences as we learn and grow together, understanding that our actions impact our community.

Action Plan

  • Classroom teachers will administer the CES Leadership created student survey to students in grades K - 2 (smiley faces) and 3 - 5 (Likert scale) in early October 2022 and late spring of 2023
  • Administer OSD Panorama SEL Survey in early October 2022 and late spring of 2023
  • In order to cultivate healthy relationships, each classroom teacher will teach the Second Step curriculum in its entirety and utilize the language and reinforce skills taught in Second Step when meeting with students individually and in small groups.
  • Staff and students will acknowledge observable acts of kindness and compassion in order to develop an intrinsic awareness.
    • Agents of kindness slips, Caught being kind slips, “Tootles”, Classmate callouts, Bucket fillers and Positive Office Referrals

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Outcome 2: Have the academic and life skills to pursue their individual career, civic and educational goals.

  1. Read, write and speak effectively for a wide range of purposes, including the interpretation and analysis of both literary and informational texts.
  2. Know and apply mathematics to a level of fluency that ensures a broad range of post-secondary opportunities and career choices.
  3. Use analytic and scientific principles to draw sound conclusions.
  4. Analyze multiple causal factors that shape major events in history.
  5. Exit with a personalized post-secondary transition plan for work, career and/or college, and complete the first steps toward achieving post-secondary goals before graduation.
  6. Develop and use conceptual understanding, exploring knowledge across a range of disciplines, and engage with issues and ideas that have local and global significance.
  7. Problem solve using both creative and critical thinking skills.
  8. Demonstrate continuous growth across the disciplines to meet or exceed academic learning standards and work toward graduation.
  9. Apply reliable information and systematic decision making to personal financial decisions.


K - 5 Leadership created abbreviated student survey
  • Questions  #5 and #6 which are related to Growth Mindset and Perseverance  

Panorama survey
  • Questions related to Growth Mindset and Self Efficacy

  • District and classroom based assessment
    • MAP (Reading and Math)
    • Wonders fluency and MAZE reading comprehension
    • Bridges Pre and Post Assessments
    • FOSS Science assessments and Science Fair exit tickets


80% of students will use strategies in order to  add and subtract
  • K: within 10
  • 1st:  within 20
  • 2nd:  within 100
3rd - 5th:
80% of students will meet standard in fractions as indicated using Bridges Assessments
  • 3rd: understanding unit fractions
  • 4th: comparing fractions
  • 5th: solving fractions using all four operations

K-3:  Using grade level text all students will make growth in reading fluency, and 80% of students will be reading at grade level benchmark by Spring of 2023 so all students can access content to interpret and analyze text.
  • K - know all letters and sounds
  • 1st - 53 WCPM
  • 2nd - 89 WCPM
  • 3rd-  107 WCPM
  • 4-5: 70% of students will be able to comprehend a nonfiction text and draw evidence to support analysis, reflection and research to write a response that meets proficiency 

K - 2: 80% of students will be fluent in asking descriptive questions based on observations specific to each grade level content in order to learn scientific principles. 
3 - 4: 80% of students will be fluent in asking questions that can be investigated and predict reasonable outcomes specific to each grade level content  in order to learn scientific principles. 
Grade 5: 100% of students will show participation in science through completing a science fair project in order to demonstrate scientific principles to draw sound conclusions.

Action Plan

    • Instructional coaching and PD provided to teachers in Core content areas at both the building level and district level
    • Analyze pre and post data regularly through grade level PLC process
    • WIN - meet individual and group needs through differentiated instruction

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Outcome 3: Advocate for the social, physical and mental wellness of themselves and others and be hopeful about the future.

  1. Communicate effectively.
  2. Develop knowledge and skills to have healthy eating habits, have a healthy body image and access reliable health information and services.
  3. Be physically active and see athletics and exercise as health-enhancing behaviors.
  4. Understand and apply principles of sound mental and emotional health and learn to identify signs of emotional health concerns such as depression, anxiety and suicidal thinking in self and others.
  5. Understand how and when to seek supportive mental and emotional health resources for self and others.
  6. Cultivate healthy relationships that honor each person's personal preferences and boundaries.
  7. Identify and develop personal strengths and interests.
  8. Develop the skills and habits to assess the role of technology and social media in their lives and distinguish between healthy and harmful use.


Leadership created abbreviated student survey (fall 2022 and spring 2023)
  • `Questions #2, #3, #4, #7 and #8 which are related to wellness of self, supportive relationships and  emotional regulation
Panorama survey (fall 2022 and spring 2023)
  • Questions related to supportive relationship and emotion regulation


By June of 2023, 100% of students will demonstrate healthy personal and interpersonal behaviors.

Action Plan

  • Administer CES Leadership created student survey with teacher script 
    • K - 2 (smiley faces) and 3 - 5 (Likert scale) in early October 2022 and late spring of 2023.
  • Administer OSD Panorama SEL Survey in early October 2022 and late spring of 2023.
  • Each classroom teacher will teach the Second Step curriculum in its entirety and utilize the language and reinforce skills taught in Second Step when meeting with students individually and in small groups in order to cultivate healthy relationships.
    • (zones of regulation, calm down corner, relaxation techniques, positive self-talk, classroom meetings, Second Step lessons)
  • Participation in Star Striders recess running club and Pumpkin Fun Run as a way of seeing physical activity as a healthy behavior
  • DII.2 pilot and Common Sense Media will be taught during library lessons and in 3 pilot classrooms in order to develop skills and habits related to healthy media consumption.

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Outcome 4: Have the skills, knowledge and courage to identify and confront personal, systemic and societal bias.

  1. Develop an appreciation of world cultures, which may include the understanding of the basic structure of another world language.
  2. Be well versed in local, national and world history and understand how prejudice, racism and xenophobia have contributed to conflict.
  3. Demonstrate the ability to recognize that biased attitudes expressed consistently over time gradually distort perceptions until stereotypes and myths about people different from oneself are accepted as reality.
  4. Empower themselves to interrupt discriminatory remarks and attitudes.
  5. Evaluate the significance and dependability of information used to support positions.
  6. Analyze the validity, reliability and credibility of information from a variety of primary and secondary sources while researching an issue or event.


Leadership created abbreviated student survey (fall 2022 and spring 2023)
  • `Questions #8, #9 and #10 which are related to inclusion of others and a sense of belonging

Panorama survey (fall 2022 and spring 2023)
  • Questions related to inclusion of others, supportive relationships and positive feelings  


By June of 2023, 100% of students will demonstrate an  awareness of others' cultures, traditions and personal stories.  Students will demonstrate the ability to show kindness, compassion and an appreciation of differences as we learn and grow together, understanding that our actions impact our community.

Action Plan

  • Administer CES Leadership created student survey with teacher script 
    • K - 2 (smiley faces) and 3 - 5 (Likert scale) in early October 2022 and late spring of 2023.
  • 4th and 5th grade BIPOC student group will meet twice a month working to recognize and disrupt discriminatory remarks and attitudes.
    • District student dinner in late October 2022
    • CES student/family dinner - winter 2022
  • DII.2 pilot and Common Sense Media will be taught during library lessons and in 3 pilot classrooms in order to evaluate the significance, validity and dependability of information used to support positions.. 
  • Staff will partner with ML teacher, Family Liaison and Instructional Coach  to infuse and celebrate cultures throughout the year and begin to develop an appreciation of different world languages
    • Monthly Friday Sing - multicultural songs highlighted, Multicultural Heritage Months and Disability Awareness Month recognized and celebrated
    • Feedback from Fall 2022 Family Survey will be used to identify specific traditions and celebrations in their home which can then be acknolwedged and celebrated in the classroom
  • Equity Team will meet monthly to continue the work to recognize and disrupt discriminatory remarks and attitudes.

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Outcome 5: Discover their passions, be curious and love learning.

  1. Broaden their perspectives and seek out various opportunities to explore new ideas, particularly those areas that are unfamiliar or uncomfortable to find their interests.
  2. Experience failure, setbacks and disappointments as an expected and honored part of learning.
  3. Understand and demonstrate the value of service in their community and learning by doing.
  4. Pursue creative and artistic opportunities as a vocation and/or a form of lifelong enrichment.


Leadership created abbreviated student survey (fall 2022 and spring 2023)
  • `Questions #1 and #5 which are related to how students feel about school, perseverance and a growth mindset

Panorama survey (fall 2022 and spring 2023)
  • `Questions related to positive feelings about how students feel about school


By June of 2023, 100% of students will demonstrate an  awareness of others' cultures, traditions and personal stories.  Students will demonstrate the ability to show kindness, compassion and an appreciation of differences as we learn and grow together, understanding that our actions impact our community.

Action Plan

  • Administer CES Leadership created student survey with teacher script 
    • K - 2 (smiley faces) and 3 - 5 (Likert scale) in early October 2022 and late spring of 2023.
  • Expand opportunities for student choice in order to pursue creative opportunities and broaden their perspectives in order to find new interests:
    • Marvelous Mediums Monday's in Art, One Book One School, Genius Hour , Strings and Band offering (4th-5th), School Musical offering (3rd-5th), Student Council and Clubs (4th & 5th), Library Book Wall and Morning Annoucements infused with cultural awareness facts. 
  • Understand and demonstrate the value of service in their school in their community and learning by doing:
    • Peer Mentors and Student Council (4th - 5th)
    • Friday Recycle Crew (5th grade)
    • Food to flowers program in the cafeteria - all students will participate

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Outcome 6: Be critical thinkers who contribute to and collaborate with our local, global and natural world.

  1. Participate on teams and know the power of teamwork.
  2. Demonstrate the ability to engage in inclusive problem solving.
  3. Advocate for and contribute to local, regional or global improvement by utilizing natural resources in an efficient, sustainable way.
  4. Use digital tools to constructively learn from and connect with people and communities around the world.
  5. Gather, interpret and present information in culturally responsive ways.


Teacher creatd exit slips created for post field trip experiences.


By June of 2023, 100% of students will demonstrate an  awareness of others' cultures, traditions and personal stories.  Students will demonstrate the ability to show kindness, compassion and an appreciation of differences as we learn and grow together, understanding that our actions impact our community.

Action Plan

  • DII.2 Building Wide project
    • Focus on building social and emotional skills through literature that partner with counseling monthly lessons and small group wrok. These pre-selected books will help students build empathy and understanding of how their emotions are affected by what they read.
    • Monthly word built into lessons and reinforced through literature and conversations in the classroom
  • Expand partnerships with local organizations in order to advocate and  contribute to local improvements of natural resources:
    • Nisqually Wildlife Refuge
    • Port of Olympia:  Estuary
    • Freedom Farmers
    • Water quality testing
  •  Students in grades 2 - 5 will participate on teams and know the power of digital teamwork during  DII.2 pilot library lessons using Breakout Edu kits 
  • All students will have the opportunity to participate and engage in problem solving during the January Science Expo either as a presenter or as an attendee.
  • Pacific Science Center 2 day in-house assembly and classroom lessons 
  • 5th grade students attend Outdoor Learning in the spring of 2023

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