OSD Students Will
Outcome 1:
Be compassionate and kind.
Board Monitoring Report 6/9/2022
Outcome 2:
Have the academic and life skills to pursue their individual career, civic and
educational goals.
Board Monitoring Report 1/27/2022
Outcome 3:
Advocate for the social, physical and mental wellness of themselves and others and
be hopeful about the future.
Board Monitoring Report 4/14/2022
Outcome 4:
Have the skills, knowledge and courage to identify and confront personal, systemic
and societal bias.
Board Monitoring Report 3/10/2022
Outcome 5:
Discover their passions, be curious and love learning.
Board Monitoring Report 2/10/2022
Outcome 6:
Be critical thinkers who contribute to and collaborate with our local, global and
natural world.
Board Monitoring Report 10/26/2021
Olympia High School Improvement Plan (2022-23)
Outcome 1: Be compassionate and kind.
- Be aware of and appreciate one’s similarities and differences with others.
- Listen well and cooperate with others.
- Demonstrate awareness of one’s own thoughts and emotions and how they impact behavior.
- Express emotions, thoughts and impulses in positive and beneficial ways.
- Resolve conflicts and repair relationships.
- Implementation of Equity/Social Emotional related lessons within the context of community circles through Homeroom: Weekly 30 minute lessons (35 lessons).
- OSD Panorama (Student) Survey questions related to Positive Feelings.
- OSD Panorama (Student) Survey questions related to Supportive Relationships.
- OSD Panorama (Student) Survey questions related to Emotional Regulation.
- OHS Panorama (Staff) Survey questions related to Well-being.
- OHS Panorama (Student) Survey question related to Cultural Awareness and Action.
- Care Team: Implement developed processes to address student needs and foster an environment of support and care based on screeners: Academic, Behavior, Attendance, SEL.
- Students will improve the % favorability on the Panorama Survey related to Cultural Awareness and Action from 31% to 40% by Spring 2023.
- Our goal is to establish and increase the sense of belonging that all members of the Olympia High School community feel. Our plan is to have a 100% sense of belonging in the OHS community in four years as measured by the Panorama survey.
- Our annual goals are: Year 1 (2022-2023), 6% increase; Year 2, 15% increase; Year 3, 20% increase; Year 4, 25% increase to end at 100%.
- We will increase the percentage of students who identify with having Positive Feelings from 53% to 70% as measured by the OSD Panorama Survey by the end of the 2022-2023.
- We will increase the percentage of students who identify Supportive Relationships at school from 75% to 80% as measured by the OSD Panorama Survey by the end of the 2022-2023.
- We will increase the percentage of students who report feeling Positive Emotions as measured by the OSD Panorama Survey from 49%-60% by the end of 2023.
- We will increase the number of staff who take the Panorama survey from 14 staff member to 75 staff members by Spring 2023.
- We will increase the percentage of staff who report positively with regards to their professional Well Being from 49% in Spring of 2022 to 75% in Spring of 2023.
- Lower disproportionality among students who identify as Black (from 7% to 1.9% (proportionate to pop) Chronic Absenteeism: We will increase attendance amongst students experiencing Homelessness from 54.5% to 60%.
- Lower disproportionality among students who receive IEP accommodations from 21% failing 1+ classes to 10% (proportionate to general education) by Spring 2023.
Action Plan
- Equity/Social Emotional related lessons within the context of community circles through Homeroom:
- September 2022 - Weekly Homeroom tied to an existing class.
- Annual Scope/Sequence weekly: Rotation of Community Circles, Oly Way/PBIS videos, Equity-Related student driven lessons (Cultural Conversations) and High School Beyond Plan. Teacher Planning Group will meet throughout the school year. Ongoing formative assessment of impact of Homeroom.
- Critical Conversations about Equity and Microaggressions: Series of 5 lessons led by students in partnership with Homeroom teachers.
- Equity Conference: Full day conference to train student leaders.
- Adult Equity Training: October PD day and subsequent Staff Meetings around Awareness and Equity/Microaggressions.
3. Care Team:
- Care Team continuation in implementing and assessing processes to address student needs based on screeners (Academic, Behavior, Attendance, SEL)
- The process is monitored through bi-monthly meetings by Administration, Counselors, and Interventionists using the Equity/Inquiry tool, in order to foster a culture of compassion and kindness, create an environment of student support (including emotional regulation and self-advocacy), and reduce student exclusion.
- Utilization of interventionists to support identified students: Grad Specialist, Social Worker, Drug/Alcohol Counselor, Restorative Specialist, School Psychologists, Nurse, School Counselors.
Outcome 2: Have the academic and life skills to pursue their individual career, civic and educational goals.
- Read, write and speak effectively for a wide range of purposes, including the interpretation and analysis of both literary and informational texts.
- Know and apply mathematics to a level of fluency that ensures a broad range of post-secondary opportunities and career choices.
- Use analytic and scientific principles to draw sound conclusions.
- Analyze multiple causal factors that shape major events in history.
- Exit with a personalized post-secondary transition plan for work, career and/or college, and complete the first steps toward achieving post-secondary goals before graduation.
- Develop and use conceptual understanding, exploring knowledge across a range of disciplines, and engage with issues and ideas that have local and global significance.
- Problem solve using both creative and critical thinking skills.
- Demonstrate continuous growth across the disciplines to meet or exceed academic learning standards and work toward graduation.
- Apply reliable information and systematic decision making to personal financial decisions.
- Olympia High School's graduation rate.
- Students who receive Individualized Education Plans graduation rate.
- Students who identify as Low Income graduation rate.
- Students will increase their Self Efficacy as related to Academics on Panorama.
- Students will increase their Growth Mindset as related to Academics on Panorama.
Olympia High School students will complete required High School Beyond Plan components through Naviance.
OHS Homeroom will incorporate additional monthly Homeroom High School and Beyond Plan components tied to Naviance lessons.
OHS will implement a number of recommendations from an outside consultant tied to our students who are on Individualized Education Plans.
OHS teachers/counselors will participate in Professional Learning Communities focused on four critical questions.
- Establish norms
- Establish PLC goals
- Essential learning/standards
- Common assessments
- Graduation rates will increase from 91% to 95% by end of 2022-23 sy.
- Graduation rates for students who have an Individualized Education Plan will increase from 51.4% to 65% by end of 2022-23 sy.
- Graduation rates for students who qualify for Free/Reduced Lunch will increase from 77.4% to 85% by end of 22-23 sy.
- Students will increase their Self Efficacy tied to academics as reported by Panorama from 44% to 60% by end of 2022-23 sy.
- Students will increase their Growth Mindset (student perceptions of whether they have the potential to change those factors that are central to their performance in school) from 56% to 75% by 2022-23 sy.
- Students in grades 9-12 will complete 100% of their required High School Beyond components by the end of the 22-23 sy.
- Teachers/counselors will submit 100% of the required components of PLC work for the 22-23 sy.
Action Plan
- Equitable Grading Practices:
- Teachers will develop a common definition for the Purpose of Grading.
- Teachers will complete a Grading survey to identify priorities: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeJj2VzGCgeqnr2mOfxxofG5A_s_DJ0W2jgIViBCqSlq2KTtw/viewform
- Staff Professional Development will include plan to implement key components of equitable grading in 22-23 sy
- Stakeholders: Teachers, administrators
- High School Beyond Plan (HSBP):
- Students will complete Naviance required components through lessons delivered by Career Counselor.
- Students will engage in HSBP related lessons implemented in monthly Homeroom lessons (5-6 lessons).d
- Stakeholders: Teachers of Homeroom, Counselors, Career Counselor
- Special Education Outside :
- Administrators will develop plan with outside consultant specific to differentiated instruction (ex. Universally Designed Instruction (UDL)).
- Administrators will develop a professional development plan to incorporate recommended changes to system, instruction, culture.
- Stakeholders: SPED staff, all teachers, counselors, administrators, district staff.
- Transition from middle school to high school will be adjusted to support ALL students.
- Counselor will develop communication system from middle school counselors to high school.
- Team will develop a system to make recommendations for placement based on universal screeners (MAP and SBA).
- Stakeholders: Counselors, administrators, middle school counselors/staff, SPED staff.
- Professional Learning Communities:
- Admin/Department heads will develop a plan to focus on PLC questions: Norms, Goal, Standards, Assessments
- Stakeholders: All certificated staff
Outcome 3: Advocate for the social, physical and mental wellness of themselves and others and be hopeful about the future.
- Communicate effectively.
- Develop knowledge and skills to have healthy eating habits, have a healthy body image and access reliable health information and services.
- Be physically active and see athletics and exercise as health-enhancing behaviors.
- Understand and apply principles of sound mental and emotional health and learn to identify signs of emotional health concerns such as depression, anxiety and suicidal thinking in self and others.
- Understand how and when to seek supportive mental and emotional health resources for self and others.
- Cultivate healthy relationships that honor each person's personal preferences and boundaries.
- Identify and develop personal strengths and interests.
- Develop the skills and habits to assess the role of technology and social media in their lives and distinguish between healthy and harmful use.
- Graduation Rates:
- Panorama Data: Break down results by demographic: SPED, F/R, Ethnicity
- OSD Panorama (Student) Survey questions related to Positive Feelings.
- OSD Panorama (Student) Survey questions related to Supportive Relationships.
- OSD Panorama (Student) Survey questions related to Emotional Regulation.
- OHS Panorama (Staff) Survey questions related to Well-being.
- OHS Panorama (Student) Survey question related to Cultural Awareness and Action.
- Discipline: Decreased Exclusionary practices: Students will decrease Exclusion: Lower disproportionality among students who identify as Black (from 7% to 1.9% (proportionate to pop)) Chronic Absenteeism: We will increase attendance amongst students experiencing Homelessness from 54.5% to 60%; increase Academic success (ongoing grades, credit attainment): Decrease the number of students who are continuously failing courses from 384 (20%) (September) to <5% at Semester.
- Attendance: Absences/tardies.
- Break down, and learn from, results by demographics: SPED, F/R Ethnicity
- Olympia High School Graduation rates will be 95%; Students who receive Individualized Education Plans will increase graduation from 67.9% (2020) to 75%. Students who identify as Low Income will increase the graduation rate from 87.7% (2020) to 90%.
- Lower disproportionality among students who receive IEP accommodations from 21% failing 1+ classes to 10% (proportionate to general education) by Spring 2023.
- Panorama (student) data:
- Students will improve the % favorability on the Panorama Survey related to Cultural Awareness and Action from 31% to 40% by Spring 2023.
- Our goal is to establish and increase the sense of belonging that all members of the Olympia High School community feel. Our plan is to have a 100% sense of belonging in the OHS community in four years as measured by the Panorama survey.
- Our annual goals are: Year 1 (2022-2023), 6% increase; Year 2, 15% increase; Year 3, 20% increase; Year 4, 25% increase to end at 100%.
- We will increase the percentage of students who identify with having Positive Feelings from 53% to 70% as measured by the OSD Panorama Survey by the end of the 2022-2023.
- We will increase the percentage of students who identify Supportive Relationships at school from 75% to 80% as measured by the OSD Panorama Survey by the end of the 2022-2023.
- We will increase the percentage of students who report feeling Positive Emotions as measured by the OSD Panorama Survey from 49%-60% by the end of 2023.
- We will increase the number of staff who take the Panorama survey from 14 staff member to 75 staff members by Spring 2023.
- Panorama (staff data):
- We will increase the percentage of staff who report positively with regards to their professional Well Being from 49% in Spring of 2022 to 75% in Spring of 2023.
- Discipline: Students will decrease Exclusion: Lower disproportionality among students who identify as Black (from 7% to 1.9% (proportionate to pop)) Chronic Absenteeism: We will increase attendance amongst students experiencing Homelessness from 54.5% to 60%; increase Academic success (ongoing grades, credit attainment): Decrease the number of students who are continuously failing courses from 384 (20%) (September) to <5% at Semester.
- Attendance: Lower disproportionality among students who identify as Black (from 7% to 1.9% (proportionate to pop) Chronic Absenteeism: We will increase attendance amongst students experiencing Homelessness from 54.5% to 60%.
Action Plan
- Homeroom: Develop scope/sequence:
- Community/Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Building: Rotation 1
- High School Beyond Plan: Rotation 2
- Oly Way/Community Buildig: Rotation 3
- Equity/Action Planning: Rotation 4
- Adult SEL Professional Development: Dr. Angela Brooks, SEL Standards: 5 sessions + August PD
- Impact on Homeroom implementation for 23-24 sy.
- Care Team: Develop a process to address student needs based on identified screeners: Failing 3+ courses, Off Track (<1.5 credits off track), Suspension/Exclusion, <90% attendance.
- Add intentionality to the existing bi-monthly process.
- Equity Team:
- Student driven equity action planning.
- Equity conference with professional development for Homeroom implementation.
- Adult microaggression training led by outside consultant and students from Equity Team.
- Ongoing evaluation of impact.
- Counseling program: Development of a fully comprehensive counseling program aligned to ASCA:
- Annual Agreement
- Foundation: Mission, Vision, Beliefs
- SMART goals
- Action Plans: Core curriculum (Homeroom, High School Beyond Plan)/Small Group, Closing the Gap
- Use of Data: Outcome, Perception, Process
- Social Media/Internet Safety Lessons through Library/Homeroom implementation
Outcome 4: Have the skills, knowledge and courage to identify and confront personal, systemic and societal bias.
- Develop an appreciation of world cultures, which may include the understanding of the basic structure of another world language.
- Be well versed in local, national and world history and understand how prejudice, racism and xenophobia have contributed to conflict.
- Demonstrate the ability to recognize that biased attitudes expressed consistently over time gradually distort perceptions until stereotypes and myths about people different from oneself are accepted as reality.
- Empower themselves to interrupt discriminatory remarks and attitudes.
- Evaluate the significance and dependability of information used to support positions.
- Analyze the validity, reliability and credibility of information from a variety of primary and secondary sources while researching an issue or event.
- Student data by demographic:
- Discipline
- Attendance
- Grades
- Enrollment
- Panorama data:
- Sense of Belonging
- Cultural Awareness
- Process data:
- The number of students who participate in Equity Team.
- The number of community members who participate on Equity Teams; demographic breakdown.
- The number of students who participate in the Principal Advisory Group to develop Homeroom lessons.
- The number of Homeroom lessons specific to Equity.
- OHS will continue the two groups to support equity in the building: the Equity group and the SIP Group which will meet 2-4 times a month, will create concrete action steps to support equitable treatment of all people within the building and equitable grading practices to support all studens.
- The Principal Advisory Group (comprised of STAND students as well as those in the Equity Group) will meet regularly to collaborate and develope ideas for equity lessons in Homeroom.
- The Equity group will also recruit a diverse number of students to attend an Equity Retreat in the fall of 2022, to create a focused, committed plan for equity work within the building.
- The SIP group will meet once a month, and will include members of the community, students, teachers, and administration to create an equitable School Improvement Plan
- The group will collaborate to establish action plans for implementation
- The group will determine ways to measure growth and status informally throughout the 2022-2023 school year.
- OHS will continue the two groups to support equity in the building: the Equity group and the SIP Group which will meet 2-4 times a month, will create concrete action steps to support equitable treatment of all people within the building and equitable grading practices to support all studens.
- The curriculum used in Homeroom will be developed according to student needs identified by the Principal Advisory Group and SIP teams, and will be implemented with fidelity througout the building by all Homeroom teachers, second period on Wednesdays.
Action Plan
- Continue two Equity Leadership Groups: SIP Equity Group and Equity Action Team: Recruit representative group of students/community members.
- Equity SIP Team: Meets monthly to focus on school improvement goals
- Equity in grading
- PLC implementation of standards-based grading practices.
- Sense of Belonging
- Equity Action Team: Meets monthly to focus on data and identify action plans to address equity, with a specific focus on microagressions.
- Microagressions
- The Equity group will begin meeting before the school year begins and will continue monthly througout the year, with a focus on how to address microagressions.
- Collaboration with STAMP students to identify real examples of lived experience microagressions at OHS.
- The Equity group will begin meeting before the school year begins and will continue monthly througout the year, with a focus on how to address microagressions.
- Microagressions
- LID time and staff development time will be dedicated to examining staff's grading practices.
- Led by ELA teacher, Eric Jacobs
- LID time and staff development time will be dedicated to examining staff's grading practices.
- Collaborate with Social Emotional Learning Coach to develop SEL/Culturally Responsive Teaching to adults.
- Collaborate with students/adults on implementation of SEL in Homeroom: Community Circles
- Include student-developed discussion/topics in Homeroom.
- Establish a routine of communicating data to Leadership/Equity teams and Care Team.
- Develop action plans to address disproportionality.
- Use recommendations from teachers to identify students who meet monthly with the admin.
- Share relevant information with the student group, develop action plans.
Outcome 5: Discover their passions, be curious and love learning.
- Broaden their perspectives and seek out various opportunities to explore new ideas, particularly those areas that are unfamiliar or uncomfortable to find their interests.
- Experience failure, setbacks and disappointments as an expected and honored part of learning.
- Understand and demonstrate the value of service in their community and learning by doing.
- Pursue creative and artistic opportunities as a vocation and/or a form of lifelong enrichment.
- Student participation rates in co-curricular activities (clubs, athletics, drama) are in line with demographics
- Bear time assignment data.
- Panorama Student Data: Sense of Belonging
- Naviance HSBP completion reports for each grade level.
- Special Svcs metrics beginning 2022-23 on student service interests.
- Students will regularly participate in a Club during Bear Time at an 80% attendee rate.
- Continued Bear Time–Jen Boelts will continue to go into English/other classes. Students will identify personal interests and explore future career paths utilizing Naviance with grade-level progress made towards completion of their grade level HSBP as measured by Naviance.
- Students with IEP goals in academics and/or behavioral goal areas will experience increased success in general education classes.
- Students who are serviced with IEP goals will increasingly access school club and/or extracurricular opportunities.
Action Plan
- Increased targeted work towards inclusion of students with IEP goals to club, extra-curricular, and/or other school related experiences.
- Giving more kids access to athletics-Title IX survey.
- Increased information about available clubs in the fall and winter.
- Protected Bear Time: Club built into the school bell schedule.
- Regular evaluation of student participation in clubs and extracurricular.
- Collaboration with Athletic Director in line with coaches around communication/connection to athletics/drama. Visit middle schools to share information about the connection to OHS culture.
- Homeroom curriculum developed through collaboration with Washington state SEL standards, Anchored SEL curriculum (staff focus) and student-voice.
- Anchored SEL curriculum and staff development to increase SEL fluency amongst all staff.
- Career Center staff support staff and students with the transition from Career Cruising to Naviance. The Career Center teacher will deploy four lessons per grade level this year to teach students how to use the new HSBP platform and best utilize its tools to explore future careers.
Outcome 6: Be critical thinkers who contribute to and collaborate with our local, global and natural world.
- Participate on teams and know the power of teamwork.
- Demonstrate the ability to engage in inclusive problem solving.
- Advocate for and contribute to local, regional or global improvement by utilizing natural resources in an efficient, sustainable way.
- Use digital tools to constructively learn from and connect with people and communities around the world.
- Gather, interpret and present information in culturally responsive ways.
- *Our Leadership Composition will more accurately match the demographics in the 2022-2023 school year than the 2021-2022 school year
- Students will improve the % favorability on the Panorama Survey related to Cultural Awareness and Action from 31% to 40% by Spring 2023. We will increase the % of favorability to 45% by Spring 2023.
- Students in the Freedom Farm program will meet or exceed the percentage of ninth grade on track to graduate. Given the much higher ratio of students from low income households (42% v. 19%) and students with an IEP in this program (40% v. 10.5%), the overall ninth grade on track will be a significant increase in our overall scores for our school.
- We will decrease the number of absences in the Freedom Farmer Program by 50% of the cohort's previous year and increase the number of academic credits these students received last year by 20%.. We will see a 50% reduction in the number of discipline referrals for Freedom Farmer students from their previous year.
- By the end of the 2022-2023 School Year, we will develop a cadre of twenty-five diverse students in the Equity Team and a cadre of seventy students to present equity lessons in our Homeroom. .
Freedom Farm Program
2. By providing students with an ALE setting, enhanced with one period of Case Management support, the percentage of 9th-grade students in the Freedom Farmer program who are on-track to graduate at the end of the 2022-23 school year, will match or exceed the rest of the ninth grade.
3.by providing social emotional support during the school day that includes social services, academic counseling, community engagement, and individualized planning, we will reduce absenteeism and discipline referrals in the Freedom Farmer program.
Action Plan
SIP Equity Leadership Team
- We will invite students from all demographics to join us on this committee. These students will be invited for an monthly meeting about equity. This will include some reflection on why they lead with racial equity and an overview of some of our major work.
- Faculty will self-select to join the group. Specific recruiting will occur with faculty who have participated in Grading for Equity work and who have been on our equity team.
- The Equity cadre will deliver at least five lessons to the larger student body about focusing on discussion about race, microaggressions, and identity.
- The cadre will work as a team with faculty in the delivery of these lessons resulting in a more comprehensive understanding of leading with equity, tackling microaggressions when they emerge, and supporting social identities of all students.
- Huerta faculty and staff will the ALE Reimagine Grant plan which includes two and a half years of offerings. They will meet with the OSPI Study Group to refine and reflect upon their practices.
- Huerta faculty and staff will develop connections for students that support their SEL growth. This includes utilizing our social worker, our TOGETHER personnel, our Drug and Alcohol Counselor, and local social service agencies.
- The curriculum will also be developed to help connect our students to community organizations and issues. This will provide a relevant curriculum that supports authentic learning.
- Monthly monitoring of student data will occur to assess the success of the program.