ORLA School Improvement Plan (2022-23)

Outcome 1: Be compassionate and kind.

  1. Be aware of and appreciate one’s similarities and differences with others.
  2. Listen well and cooperate with others.
  3. Demonstrate awareness of one’s own thoughts and emotions and how they impact behavior.
  4. Express emotions, thoughts and impulses in positive and beneficial ways.
  5. Resolve conflicts and repair relationships.


A staff created survey administered in January 2023 and May 2023


As ORLA Staff implements diversified Social/Emotional Learning curricula and practices available to all, the students' awareness of showing kindness and compassion toward everyone regardless of differences, will increase by at least 5%, as measured by a staff developed survey administered in January 2023 and May 2023.

Action Plan

  • Training will take place for staff around implementing effective SEL strategies across grade level and programs. 
  • Implementation of certain Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) standards associated with SEL learning will be reviewed.
  • Montessori multi-age classrooms encourage kindness and compassion through every day peer mentoring both academically and socially. Peace education is integrated into all areas of the curriculum.  
  • Upper Elementary is testing water quality to make sure that the water salmon spawn in and live in is healthy for them.  
  • Each Montessori student has a class job to help take care of their classroom. Students are encouraged to be helpers and to look for ways that they can help those around them.

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Outcome 2: Have the academic and life skills to pursue their individual career, civic and educational goals.

  1. Read, write and speak effectively for a wide range of purposes, including the interpretation and analysis of both literary and informational texts.
  2. Know and apply mathematics to a level of fluency that ensures a broad range of post-secondary opportunities and career choices.
  3. Use analytic and scientific principles to draw sound conclusions.
  4. Analyze multiple causal factors that shape major events in history.
  5. Exit with a personalized post-secondary transition plan for work, career and/or college, and complete the first steps toward achieving post-secondary goals before graduation.
  6. Develop and use conceptual understanding, exploring knowledge across a range of disciplines, and engage with issues and ideas that have local and global significance.
  7. Problem solve using both creative and critical thinking skills.
  8. Demonstrate continuous growth across the disciplines to meet or exceed academic learning standards and work toward graduation.
  9. Apply reliable information and systematic decision making to personal financial decisions.


  • ELA : K- 12 classroom based assessments & student reflections. SBA & MAP data  
  • Math: K-12 classroom-based assessments to measure growth and learning. SBA & MAP data  
  • Science: Grades K-12 classroom-based assessments to measure growth and learning. SBA data


  • ELA/SS Goal: By Spring of 2023, 80% of students will demonstrate growth relative to an initial fall writing assessment in effective summary writing on non-fiction texts that includes the key elements of summary; main idea, important facts and details, use of text evidence, logical sequence, and underlying meaning or theme.  
  • Math Goal: Utilizing Universal Design principles to remove any barriers, by June of 2023, 70% or more of students will be able to define and apply mathematical terms & strategies relevant to the unit 80% of the time. 
  • Science Goal #1: Utilizing Universal Design principles to remove any barriers, by June of 2023 80% of students will demonstrate proficiency in the CER (Claim, Evidence, Reasoning) technique by displaying their ability to make a claim, gather and document evidence, and then support or refute their claim with the collected evidence using reasoning.

Action Plan

  • ELA/Social Studies: Teachers will provide students with regular opportunities to experience and read writing representative of diverse cultural viewpoints and authors.
  • Students will practice supporting ideas from these readings with relevant text evidence.
  • Students will also draft explanations detailing how the selected text evidence supports their argument or observation.
  • Readings/articles to guide this work will be collected from diverse cultural viewpoints and authors to work towards inclusion and equity.
  • Data will be derived from the teacher and student assessments.  Students will also write a reflection on their growth.
  • Students will experience direct instruction, guided practice, and independent practice opportunities from their teachers related to students' understanding of the key elements of summary, to choosing and explaining effective text evidence that supports ideas and observations from readings.
  • Math:  Students will practice and show knowledge and understanding of math terms in speaking and writing.
  • Students will practice and show knowledge and understanding of appropriate math strategies as they solve math problems.
  • Student growth will be monitored using formative assessment.
  • Science:  Students will practice and show knowledge and understanding of the use of the CER technique through writing, question and answer sessions, and discussion.
  • Student growth will be monitord using formative assessment. 
  • Student growth will be monitored using formative assessment.

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Outcome 3: Advocate for the social, physical and mental wellness of themselves and others and be hopeful about the future.

  1. Communicate effectively.
  2. Develop knowledge and skills to have healthy eating habits, have a healthy body image and access reliable health information and services.
  3. Be physically active and see athletics and exercise as health-enhancing behaviors.
  4. Understand and apply principles of sound mental and emotional health and learn to identify signs of emotional health concerns such as depression, anxiety and suicidal thinking in self and others.
  5. Understand how and when to seek supportive mental and emotional health resources for self and others.
  6. Cultivate healthy relationships that honor each person's personal preferences and boundaries.
  7. Identify and develop personal strengths and interests.
  8. Develop the skills and habits to assess the role of technology and social media in their lives and distinguish between healthy and harmful use.


  • Panorama survey in fall of 2022 and in spring of 2023
  • Student Support Team (SST) data


By June of 2023, 80% of all students, regardless of differences, will respond favorably when asked about their ability to demonstrate self-efficacy (3rd-5th grade: currently at 47%; 6th-12th grade: currently at 39%) and emotional regulation (3rd-5th grade: currently at 54%; 6th-12th grade: currently at 46%), as measured in the Panorama survey.

Action Plan

  • Training will take place for staff around implementing effective SEL strategies across grade levels and programs
  • District social worker will partner with the administrators, school counselor, teachers, Student Support Team (SST), and other local community-based resources to support the mental health and well-being of students
  • The Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) Team will review our supports that we have available to all of our students and make recommendations on where our system can improve.

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Outcome 4: Have the skills, knowledge and courage to identify and confront personal, systemic and societal bias.

  1. Develop an appreciation of world cultures, which may include the understanding of the basic structure of another world language.
  2. Be well versed in local, national and world history and understand how prejudice, racism and xenophobia have contributed to conflict.
  3. Demonstrate the ability to recognize that biased attitudes expressed consistently over time gradually distort perceptions until stereotypes and myths about people different from oneself are accepted as reality.
  4. Empower themselves to interrupt discriminatory remarks and attitudes.
  5. Evaluate the significance and dependability of information used to support positions.
  6. Analyze the validity, reliability and credibility of information from a variety of primary and secondary sources while researching an issue or event.


  • The Panorama survey in fall of 2022 and spring in 2023
  • Cause of Conflict Social Studies Classroom-Based Assessment (CBA)


  • By the spring 2023, 80% of our 6th - 12th grade families (currently at 65%) and students (currently at 38%) will respond favorably regarding students learning about, discussing and confronting issues of race, ethnicity and culture in school as measured by the Panorama Survey in the cultural awareness and action sections.
  • 80% of our students will meet or exceed standard (with a score of 3 or 4) on the CBA.

Action Plan

  • Our Equity Team will look for ways to collaborate with our families and support unity in diversity 
  • Professional development will be identified  to support an effective process for communicating and facilitating discussions around equity and issues of bias
  • Continue to diversify library collections to better represent all students and cultures
  • 4th and 5th-grade students will participate in the Cause of Conflict CBA 
  • The use of the district equity tool will help to guide the decision-making process
  • Provide staff CBA training, as needed, and ensure that the Cause and Conflict CBA is taught
  • Teachers will use the Since Time Immemorial (STI) curriculum to ensure a common understanding and establish where STI lessons will be taught
  • Continue and expand professional development and support for all staff on culturally responsive practices

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Outcome 5: Discover their passions, be curious and love learning.

  1. Broaden their perspectives and seek out various opportunities to explore new ideas, particularly those areas that are unfamiliar or uncomfortable to find their interests.
  2. Experience failure, setbacks and disappointments as an expected and honored part of learning.
  3. Understand and demonstrate the value of service in their community and learning by doing.
  4. Pursue creative and artistic opportunities as a vocation and/or a form of lifelong enrichment.


  • Student Participation data on community engagement activities
  • Attendance at Empower Hours (tutoring provided for ELA and for Math)
  • Graduation Rate


  • In partnership with South Sound Green, 100% of Montessori 5th grade students will participate in water quality testing both in the fall of 2022 and the spring of 2023.  
  • ORLA's Building Leadership Team will explore service project opportunities that all ORLA students can be a part of.
  • By June of 2023, ORLA  students will discover passions in learning through interactions in the available programs (Montessori, hConnect, iConnect, & VAO)  
  • By June of 2023, ORLA  students in grades 7-12 will show perseverance by attending Empower Hours when additional help is needed 
  • The graduation rate for all students -- regardless of differences -- enrolled in ORLA’s hConnect and ORLA Online diploma track will improve from 85.7% to 100% by June of 2023

Action Plan

  • Students have the opportunity to take part in at least one service project during the year.
  • Look for ways to provide students opportunities to engage in school-wide projects that support curiosity and love of learning. 
  • Increase focus on the Empower Hours as a place for all students that would like additional support.
  • Promote ORLA programs and how they provide a diversity of classes, diversity of work choices offered, and individual student goal setting and reflection
  • Provide student choice across programs, diversity of classes, diversity of work choices offered, and individual student goal setting and reflection
  • Analyze data of students failing a course(s) and the impact on graduation and address disproportionalities
  • Expand opportunities for students to recover credits
  • Explore options to expand learning and elective opportunities
  • Students will engage with a project that will work to solve/highlight an environmental issue. 
  • Students will work in partnership with families/caregivers and community members to complete the water quality testing. 

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Outcome 6: Be critical thinkers who contribute to and collaborate with our local, global and natural world.

  1. Participate on teams and know the power of teamwork.
  2. Demonstrate the ability to engage in inclusive problem solving.
  3. Advocate for and contribute to local, regional or global improvement by utilizing natural resources in an efficient, sustainable way.
  4. Use digital tools to constructively learn from and connect with people and communities around the world.
  5. Gather, interpret and present information in culturally responsive ways.


  • Student Participation data on community engagement activities. 


Through in-class discussions and lessons students will be connected with community resources, sites, and needs inclusive of diverse and multi-cultural perspectives.  By June of 2023, 80% of students will participate in a minimum of three community engagement activities during the school year. Students will share knowledge and learning with the classroom, school and greater community.   

Action Plan

  • Students will engage with a project that will work to solve/highlight an environmental issue. 
  • Students will work in partnership with families/caregivers and community members to complete community engagement activities. 
  • Students have the opportunity to take part in at least one service project during the year.  
  • In partnership with South Sound Green, 100% of Montessori 5th grade students will participate in water quality testing both in the fall of 2022 and the spring of 2023. 
  •  Technology use and school/home proximity will support equitable access and inclusion for proposed activities.
  • Families will engage in their students' learning by participation in off-site learning activities. 

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