Washington School Improvement Plan (2021-22)

Outcome 1: Be compassionate and kind.

  1. Be aware of and appreciate one’s similarities and differences with others.
  2. Listen well and cooperate with others.
  3. Demonstrate awareness of one’s own thoughts and emotions and how they impact behavior.
  4. Express emotions, thoughts and impulses in positive and beneficial ways.
  5. Resolve conflicts and repair relationships.


  • Washington Middle School Student Climate Survey
  • Washington Middle School Staff Climate Survey


  • Using the Washington Middle School Climate Survey data, students NOT feeling connected will decrease by 10% from December 2021 to May 2022. 
  • Using the Washington Middle School Climate Survey data, students responding positively to the question regarding compassion and kindness will increase by 10% from December 2021 to May 2022. 
  • Using the May 2022 Washington Middle School Staff Climate Survey data, at least 85% of staff will respond positively to the question regarding compassion and kindness.

Action Plan

  • Building-wide equity education to staff and students with the following objectives:
    • Blend Restorative practices into our school discipline philosophy, including professional development for staff.
    • Use a trauma-informed approach with student interactions.
    • Evaluate personal prejudices and biases.
    • Reflect on personal practices inside and outside the classroom.
    • Engage in collaborative work to challenge and dismantle systemic inequities in our school.
    • WMS advisory classes will have guided lessons focusing on equity and SEL (social-emotional learning using the Character Strong curriculum).
  • Lunch Bunch provides inclusive alternative lunch settings for students struggling with friendships and social/emotional challenges. 
  • 6th-grade students have one semester of health/technology. In this class, students study the health pyramid which focuses on body image, advertising biases, and character development. 
  • WMS counselors continue to support and reinforce social-emotional health.
  • Office staff will monitor and facilitate interventions based on individual attendance and behavior data. 
  • ASB and Roundtable’s WMS Unity Campaign focuses on building the connection between students and our school community.
  • History Alive Curriculum promotes awareness of other cultures.
  • Leadership Class - Builds and promotes community service.
  • PBIS - Student-produced videos to inform and support students with expectations and welcome new families to WMS.
  • Peer-Mentor Program

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Outcome 2: Have the academic and life skills to pursue their individual career, civic and educational goals.

  1. Read, write and speak effectively for a wide range of purposes, including the interpretation and analysis of both literary and informational texts.
  2. Know and apply mathematics to a level of fluency that ensures a broad range of post-secondary opportunities and career choices.
  3. Use analytic and scientific principles to draw sound conclusions.
  4. Analyze multiple causal factors that shape major events in history.
  5. Exit with a personalized post-secondary transition plan for work, career and/or college, and complete the first steps toward achieving post-secondary goals before graduation.
  6. Develop and use conceptual understanding, exploring knowledge across a range of disciplines, and engage with issues and ideas that have local and global significance.
  7. Problem solve using both creative and critical thinking skills.
  8. Demonstrate continuous growth across the disciplines to meet or exceed academic learning standards and work toward graduation.
  9. Apply reliable information and systematic decision making to personal financial decisions.


  • SBA data for math, science and ELA  
  • Washington Middle School Staff Climate Survey


  • Using data from the spring 2022 SBA, students meeting the standard in science will be at least 80%.
  • Using data from the spring 2022 SBA, students meeting the standard in ELA will be at least 80%.
  • Using data from the spring 2022 SBA, students meeting the standard in Math will be at least 75%.
  • Using the May 2022 Washington Middle School Staff Climate Survey data, at least 85% of staff will respond positively to the question regarding support of their career goals.

Action Plan

CTE- Career and Technical Education 

  • Digital Communications
    • Students will develop digital projects in three primary areas:  Video editing and creation, print publications, and multimedia presentations.
    • Students will be encouraged to develop digital communication skills on a proficient technical level and enhance their projects from a creative perspective.
    • Students will understand their intended audience and produce projects that are informationally and visually accessible and appealing.
    • Students will be encouraged to utilize the skills and knowledge acquired in the digital communications class for projects and presentations in their core classes.
    • Students will learn how to create digital portfolios (website) to showcase their work to prospective reviewers (high school and college counselors) and future employers.
    • Students will be encouraged to be open and responsive to peer and facilitator feedback and recommendations.
  • Graphic Communications: Yearbook
    • Students will learn about basic elements of photography, camera use, file types, and image organization.  Additionally, they will develop the following skills to support their understanding and use of Adobe Photoshop, specifically as it relates to the development of a school yearbook.
    • Students will learn how to take pictures from a variety of angles and perspectives.
    • Students will understand how depth of field can be used to vary focus within an image.
    • Students will understand the basic features of a bridge camera to take, review, and import images.
    • Students will understand that yearbook themes should align with its recipients’ interests.
    • Students will create a design proposal that presents a unified look.
    • Students will understand that group work involves collaboration and compromise.
    • Students will establish deadlines that can be met.
    • Students will work collaboratively with teachers in a designer/client relationship to produce print publications that can be utilized within the classroom (posters, diagrams, etc.)
  • Video Productions: Bulldog Productions
    • Students will understand the varied responsibilities of a news broadcast team focusing on the interchange between the primary roles of director, producer, camera operator, editor, on-air talent.
    • Students will be able to script, shoot, edit, and share news segments of interest to the school community.
    • Students will maintain professional standards of presentation when sharing information during a live broadcast.
    • Students will understand the basic functions of a video editing application (e.g. importing media, trimming, transitions, etc.).
    • Students will create a multi-track video edit utilizing supplied project files.
    • Students will incorporate music, titles, and motion graphics into a video edit.  
    • Students will understand how to render and share a completed video to an appropriate cloud storage site.
  • Marketing
    • Use a wide range of idea creation techniques (such as brainstorming). 
    • Demonstrate additional attributes associated with producing high quality products including the abilities to: 
      • Work positively and ethically 
      • Manage time and projects effectively 
      •  Multi-task 
      • Participate actively, as well as be reliable and punctual 
      • Present oneself professionally and with proper etiquette 
      • Be accountable for results 
    • Explore CADD software to create a 3D model (SketchUp).
    • Design a project (Design problem #1). 
    • Meet criteria for 3D printing (faces, no gaps or stray lines, scale).
    • Explore procedures for dimensioning a drawing (Layout).
    • Use CAD software to dimension drawings and create multiple views of drawings (Layout).
    • Measure the dimensions of geometric solids.
    • Create, dimension, and print multiview drawings of geometric solids using CAD software (Layout).
    •  Employ critical thinking skills independently and in teams to solve problems and make decisions.
    • Employ critical thinking and interpersonal skills to resolve conflicts.        
    • Identify and document workplace performance goals and monitor progress toward those goals.
    • Conduct technical research to gather information necessary for decision-making.
    • Explain the importance and dynamics of individual and teamwork approaches of problem-solving.
    • Describe methods of researching and validating reliable information relevant to the problem.
    • Explain strategies used to formulate ideas, proposals, and solutions to problems.
    • Select potential solutions based on reasoned criteria.
    • Implement and evaluate solution(s).
    • Employ leadership skills to accomplish organizational goals and objectives.
    • Establish and maintain effective working relationships with others in order to accomplish objectives and tasks.
    • Conduct and participate in meetings to accomplish work tasks.
    • Employ mentoring skills to inspire and teach others.
    • Demonstrate effective relationship skills with teammates and supervisors, the ability to work on a team, and appropriate leadership skills.
  • Tech Arts
    • Identify various skills (technical, leadership, employability, thinking) learned throughout the course.
    • Identify what occupations may require these skills as pre-requisite.
    • Identify what occupations may classify as “green” or “sustainable”. 
    • Explore CADD software to create a 3D model (SketchUp).
    • Design a project (Design problem #1).
    • Meet criteria for 3D printing (faces, no gaps or stray lines, scale).
    • Explore procedures for dimensioning a drawing (Layout).
    • Use CAD software to dimension drawings and create multiple views of drawings (Layout).
    • Measure the dimensions of geometric solids.
    • Create, dimension, and print multiview drawing of geometric solids using CAD software (Layout).
    • Provides detailed descriptions of commonly used hand tools such as the try square, steel rule, compass, coping saw, files, clamps, razor blades, and rasps. Reviews applications, proper use, safety, and maintenance. Many illustrations show hand tools used in on-the-job settings.
    • Identify hand tools commonly used in the construction trades.
    • Use hand tools safely.
    • Explain how to maintain hand tools properly.
  • Robotics
    • Develop, test, and refine prototypes as part of a cyclical design process.
    • Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of different design solutions.
    • Cultivate working relationships with individuals possessing diverse perspectives, skills, and personalities.
    • Optimize performance of a design by prioritizing criteria, making tradeoffs, testing, revising, and retesting.
    • Use a wide range of idea creation techniques (such as brainstorming).
    • Explore LEGO Mindstorms EV3-G Software.
    • Understand how and when to use different sensors to help meet the given goal. 
    • Understand what qualities make something a robot. 

  • Computer Science 
    • Differentiate between inputs, processes, outputs, and feedback in computing systems.
    • Know the names and functions of commonly used inputs and outputs in computing systems. 
    • Create algorithms (a series of ordered steps) to solve a problem.
    • Refine design solutions to address criteria and constraints.
    • Create solutions to problems by identifying and applying human factors in design.
    • Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of different design solutions.
    • Address the needs of diverse end-users during the design process to produce artifacts with broad accessibility and usability.
    • Cultivate working relationships with individuals possessing diverse perspectives, skills, and personalities.
    • Explore Microsoft MakeCode for Microbit.
    • Will be able to download .hex files and then upload them onto a Microbit. 
    • Understand and follow safety considerations when using battery packs. 

  • Connect jobs to education through CTE classes:
    • Identify career options using Programs of Study, Videos, WOIS, and other online resources.
    • Identify technical skills and employee traits employers are looking for in related professions.
    • Identify education options in high school and after high school to include CTE courses, certifications, 2yr AA or ATA degrees, Apprenticeship, or 4yr degrees.
  • Math:
    • Metacognitive practices:  Students will be provided opportunities to think about their thinking, work to construct viable arguments, and critique the reasoning of others.
    • Students will be given strategies to make sense of problems and to persevere in solving them.
    • We will facilitate conversations around real-world situations to encourage deep thinking that will empower students to make a change in their world.
    • We will encourage students to problem-solve using both creative and critical thinking skills, celebrating all accurate and diverse forms of problem-solving that they share. 
    • Students will practice articulating how seemingly different strategies have the same underlying structure and apply those structures to various situations.
    • Students will be encouraged to attend to precision and utilize mathematically appropriate vocabulary in order to communicate clearly with others.  
    • Students will be encouraged to form a habit of asking “Does this answer make sense?” in the context of the problem.
    • Students will be given opportunities to reason abstractly and quantitatively.  Quantitative reasoning entails habits of creating a coherent representation of the problem at hand; considering the units involved; attending to the meaning of quantities, not just how to compute them; and knowing and flexibly using different properties of operations and objects.
    • Students will be given opportunities to share their thinking with a partner, with a small group, and with the whole group, allowing their confidence in their ability to understand and communicate mathematically to grow with these experiences.
    • Students will be given opportunities to increase their consistency with completing their daily assignments.

  • Science:
    • We will work extensively with the NGSS crosscutting concepts and science and engineering practices that address outcomes 2.2, 2.3, 2.6, 2.7.
    • We facilitate classroom community norms and strategies for working effectively in lab groups.
    • We offer the FOSS Variables and Design engineering unit in which students learn to manipulate variables in a controlled experiment and use the Engineering Design Process to solve a real-world problem. 
    • We offer virtual field trips that teach students about science careers, conservation, and sustainability issues in our community.
    • We continuously scaffold the use of student science notebooks to record observations, data, scientific thinking, and student sense-making.

  • ELA:
    • Regular, frequent, individual student feedback conferences (peer-peer and teacher-peer).
    • Small-group instruction and pre-teaching on areas identified as needing improvement (incorporating evidence, understanding theme, using appropriate grammar, and analyzing connotation/denotation). 
    • Goal setting with students.
    • Cite the textual evidence that most strongly supports an analysis of what the text says explicitly and inferences drawn from the text.
    • Compare and contrast the structure of two or more texts and analyze how the differing structure of each text contributes to its meaning and style.
    • Make an inference or draw a conclusion about a text OR make inferences or draw conclusions in order to compare texts (e.g., dialogue, plot, character development, points of view, themes) and use supporting evidence as justification/explanation.  
    • Connecting the importance of reading/writing skills to life.
    • Include pre-reading strategies to build background knowledge and connect overarching concepts to students’ prior knowledge.
    • Present and effectively argue a position on a relevant issue or topic using evidence from credible sources
    • WHAM Bookclub to support, enrich, and engage students beyond school hours.
    • Integrate technology into independent reading activities that build creativity and sharing amongst students at WMS.
    • EL Teacher communicating with EL families and supporting Core teachers with lesson delivery.

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Outcome 3: Advocate for the social, physical and mental wellness of themselves and others and be hopeful about the future.

  1. Communicate effectively.
  2. Develop knowledge and skills to have healthy eating habits, have a healthy body image and access reliable health information and services.
  3. Be physically active and see athletics and exercise as health-enhancing behaviors.
  4. Understand and apply principles of sound mental and emotional health and learn to identify signs of emotional health concerns such as depression, anxiety and suicidal thinking in self and others.
  5. Understand how and when to seek supportive mental and emotional health resources for self and others.
  6. Cultivate healthy relationships that honor each person's personal preferences and boundaries.
  7. Identify and develop personal strengths and interests.
  8. Develop the skills and habits to assess the role of technology and social media in their lives and distinguish between healthy and harmful use.


  • Healthy Youth Survey 
  • Washington Middle School Staff Climate Survey


  • Using the Healthy Youth survey data, student responses to the question regarding hope will increase by 10% from December 2021 to May 2022. 
  • Using the May 2022 Washington Middle School Staff Climate Survey data, at least 85% of staff will respond positively to the question regarding wellness support at WMS.

Action Plan

  • Students and staff will be encouraged to create a broad spectrum of clubs to increase a sense of community and belonging with our students. Most of the clubs offered each year are student-driven.
    • R/C Car Club
    • Dungeons and Dragons
    • Magic: The Gathering
    • WHAM Book Club
    • Libby Book Club
    • Chess Club
    • Empower Club
    • Spectrum Club
    • CTE Club
    • FLL Robotics Club
    • Battle of the Books
  • Athletics - soccer, basketball, volleyball, track
  • All students are required to participate in PE and health unless otherwise waived through an approval process.
    • Health Curriculum - Flash
    • Suicide Prevention Curriculum
  • Through our video-production class, students create videos showcasing students' strengths and interests.
  • Access Emergency Principal's Checkbook Fund to support families and students.
  • Advisory classes allow teachers and students an opportunity to connect and build relationships.
  • Teacher-Librarian will work to integrate technology throughout the curriculum and teach Digital Citizenship and Internet Safety lessons to all students including:
    • Finding a healthy media balance
    • Digital footprint and identity
    • Relationships and communication
    • Protecting privacy and security
    • Cyberbullying, digital drama, and hate speech
    • News and media literacy
  • School Leadership Team
  • Social worker
  • Thurston Together Liaison - Works directly with WMS families to access community support.
  • Sunshine Club
  • Panorama Survey
  • Social worker
  • Thurston Together
  • Grade Level Meetings
  • SST
  • LAP support for students 

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Outcome 4: Have the skills, knowledge and courage to identify and confront personal, systemic and societal bias.

  1. Develop an appreciation of world cultures, which may include the understanding of the basic structure of another world language.
  2. Be well versed in local, national and world history and understand how prejudice, racism and xenophobia have contributed to conflict.
  3. Demonstrate the ability to recognize that biased attitudes expressed consistently over time gradually distort perceptions until stereotypes and myths about people different from oneself are accepted as reality.
  4. Empower themselves to interrupt discriminatory remarks and attitudes.
  5. Evaluate the significance and dependability of information used to support positions.
  6. Analyze the validity, reliability and credibility of information from a variety of primary and secondary sources while researching an issue or event.


  • Washington Middle School Student Climate Survey 
  • Washington Middle School Staff Climate Survey 


  • Using the Washington Middle School Climate Survey data, students responding positively to the question regarding societal biases will increase by 10% from December 2021 to May 2022. 
  • Using the May 2022 Washington Middle School Staff Climate Survey data, at least 85% of staff will respond positively to the question regarding our work with equity.

Action Plan

  • Equity Taskforce (ETF) - assess our current programs, policies, procedures, and practices for ways in which we are perpetuating systems of oppression. Sub-committees have been formed that focus on a specific area of concern within our building such as grading practices and discipline. These subcommittees are using equity-centered Design Thinking to find solutions that will better serve all of our stakeholders. 
  • Advisory - Our ETF creates advisory lessons centered on teaching our students about equity. Through these lessons, we hope to provide our students with the tools, language, and skills they need to navigate courageous conversations, reflect on their identity, and collaborate with each other to contribute positively to their communities. 
  • Professional Development and training for all staff:
    • Equity Edcamp
    • AntiRacist 101 
    • Restorative Practices
  • Empower Club
  • Spectrum Club

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Outcome 5: Discover their passions, be curious and love learning.

  1. Broaden their perspectives and seek out various opportunities to explore new ideas, particularly those areas that are unfamiliar or uncomfortable to find their interests.
  2. Experience failure, setbacks and disappointments as an expected and honored part of learning.
  3. Understand and demonstrate the value of service in their community and learning by doing.
  4. Pursue creative and artistic opportunities as a vocation and/or a form of lifelong enrichment.


  • Washington Middle School Student Climate Survey 
  • Washington Middle School Staff Climate Survey 


  • Using the WMS Student Climate survey, students responding positively to the question regarding after-school activities will increase by 10% from December 2021 to May 2022. 
  • Using the May 2022 Washington Middle School Staff Climate Survey data, at least 85% of staff will respond positively to the question regarding encouraging professional growth.

Action Plan

  • Students choose their electives:
    • Music
      • Choir 6,7,8
      • Band 6,7,8
      • Orchestra 6,7,8
    • Non-Music
      • Leadership
      • Art - year 1
      • Art - year 2/3
    • Non-Music - CTE
      • Robotics
      • Computer Science - year 1
      • Computer Science - year 2
      • Graphic Communications
      • Digital Communications
      • Beginning Digital Design
  • Students are exposed to an emphasis on growth and feedback and "everyone has something they can improve on." 
  • Students will broaden their perspectives and seek out various opportunities to explore new ideas, particularly those areas that are unfamiliar or uncomfortable, to find their interests.
  • WHAM Digital Book Club beneficially serves students in ways that mirror the adult world.  Discussing elements of literature broadens students’ interpretative skills, causing them to defend their own beliefs, incorporate others’, and find acceptance within the differing perspectives.  Ideally, the book club can bridge the gap between group responsibility and shared pleasurable pursuits, giving students a sense that neither is mutually exclusive. 
  • Students will learn how to give and use feedback to increase subsequent learning.  
  • Students can expect teachers to give consistent feedback on assessments, both formal and informal, and they will play a pivotal role in their own learning through participating in self-evaluation, correction, and reflection.
  • Students are encouraged to reflect on their setbacks and disappointments and be able to move forward to challenge themselves.
  • We offer students the opportunity to retake assessments in order to meet standards.  This allows them to experience this important part of learning while giving them the ability to show their improvement.  
  • Students have the opportunity to pursue creative and artistic opportunities as a vocation and/or a form of lifelong enrichment.
  • Students have the chance to work and support their peers in forming friendships, building social skills, and developing improved academic performance.

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Outcome 6: Be critical thinkers who contribute to and collaborate with our local, global and natural world.

  1. Participate on teams and know the power of teamwork.
  2. Demonstrate the ability to engage in inclusive problem solving.
  3. Advocate for and contribute to local, regional or global improvement by utilizing natural resources in an efficient, sustainable way.
  4. Use digital tools to constructively learn from and connect with people and communities around the world.
  5. Gather, interpret and present information in culturally responsive ways.


  • Washington Middle School Student Climate Survey 
  • Washington Middle School Staff Climate Survey 


  • Using the Washington Middle School Climate Survey data, students responding positively to the question regarding compassion and kindness will increase by 10% from December 2021 to May 2022. 
  • Using the May 2022 Washington Middle School Staff Climate Survey data, at least 85% of staff will respond positively to the question regarding collaboration beyond our building.

Action Plan

  • Advisory - The equity lessons provided to our staff by our ETF (Equity Task Force) are designed to encourage our students to critically think about who they are, how they perceive their worlds, and how they might take a step back in order to understand someone else’s experience. Through this reflective practice, we hope that our students will realize how they have the power to become positive agents of change. The conversations they will be having in advisory will lead them to collaborate together on how they may contribute positively to the transformation of their school, community, and world. 
  • YA Book Club for staff
  • ASB Roundtable Council
  • ASB Meetings
  • CNN Student News - Social Studies 6,7,8
  • Science field trips
  • Marketing class to UW and guest speakers

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